Six Conservation Authorities FEFLOW Groundwater Modeling Project

The Six Conservation Authorities (Six CA’s) study developed a strategic plan to understand the regional scale geology and hydrogeology within the Six CA’s watershed area and how they link to the natural environment. To enhance their understanding a conceptual geological model and a numerical groundwater flow model of the entire Six CA watersheds were developed. The groundwater model will be used as a groundwater management tool to:

  • Examine the impacts of various changes to the natural system on regional groundwater flow;
  • Assess the role of large-scale regional features on regional groundwater flow;
  • Determine groundwater flow rates to evaluate groundwater budgeting; and,
  • Identify pathways and linkages between both local and regional recharge and discharge areas.

Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc., A Schlumberger Company (WHI) was retained by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) to develop a three-dimensional conceptual geological model and a three dimensional hydrogeological (groundwater flow) model that  encompass the entire Six CA’s watershed.

This report presents the analyses and development of the numerical groundwater flow model. The model represents the full three-dimensional regional groundwater flow system and extends deep into the underlying bedrock to incorporate interaction with the deeper groundwater system. Through this approach, the Six CA’s can use the numerical model to evaluate the interaction of groundwater and surface water (water balance) and assess the potential influence of additional stresses (e.g. land use changes, pumping etc.). In addition, this model can be updated as new information becomes available and refined as necessary to focus calibration and prediction capabilities in local areas of concern.

 Six Conservation Authorities FEFLOW Groundwater Modeling Project

Appendix A – Groundwater Model Report Figures

Appendix B

Appendix C – Conceptual Model Report Figures